Do you take viagra without needing it? Think twice


Since the FDA approved the use of Viagra in March 1998, men’s sex lives have changed. Especially that of those older children who had hydraulic problems in their reproductive system and prevented them from producing an erection. With this drug, everything was different, as it ensured enough blood to the cavernous body of the penis so that he could have a pleasant sexual relationship.

A very short time later, faced with this miracle of science, all kinds of possibilities arose: testing whether anorgasmic women benefited from the drug and seeing if men of other ages, without erectile dysfunction problems, could also take advantage of this type of UK Meds. Thus, young people under 40 began to take Viagra even though they did not need it under all kinds of arguments: more pleasure for longer and greater penis firmness.

Why consuming Viagra?

The fashion of taking Viagra stayed with the people, but only so far the concerns have arisen. Will it have long-term side effects? Is there a danger that the person gets used to having a satisfying sex life just in the presence of this pharmaceutical stimulus?

The answer to both questions is yes. According to a 2006 study, men who used this medication recreationally (that is, without needing it) were more likely to have erectile dysfunction later. Although the study did not demonstrate a cause-and-effect relationship, another study done later by the same group of researchers looked for the role that confidence played in these people when taking the blue pill recreationally.

In that work, the group found that, indeed, the use of Viagra increased psychological dependence and was associated with less confidence in the process of achieving and maintaining an erection. In other words, when these young people did not take the pill, they suffered a lower erection capacity.

Another issue that is problematic for experts is that usually young adults who take Viagra without a prescription tend to take higher doses than patients who need it. In this case, more is not better. And the reason is that the product, which was designed to correct a heart problem, has side effects, like almost all drugs. In the case of Viagra, these are: increased blood flow to the heart and other parts of the body. That is why those who take it feel their face redden, their heart pounding, and they may have a headache. Nothing sexy, especially for a young man who does not need it.

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