Is A Breast Lift Worth It?

A breast lift surgery, the medical term for which is mastopexy, gets rid of excess tissue and changes the position of the nipple and areola to lift sagging breasts. According to doctors of breast uplift Antalya services, women with a history of breastfeeding stand to gain from the procedure. Suitable candidates are physically sound nonsmokers whose body weights are steady and who have flat, sagging, or elongated breasts. Women with asymmetrical breasts, stretched skin, and low nipples also stand to benefit from this procedure. It should be noted that this procedure cannot enlarge your breasts or make them come closer together.
Is it safe?
With a very low mortality rate, the procedure is generally considered safe. The surgery is completed in two or three hours and you will usually be released on the same day. But you will be drowsy because of the anesthesia and so someone else should take you home. Also, it is vital that you consult a board-certified surgeon whose forte is breast lifts and abide by his or her aftercare instructions.
Recovery after surgery
If everything goes well, you’ll be able to resume your normal activities within five days. Right after surgery, gauze bandages will be wrapped around your breasts which will be supported by a surgical bra. This will stay on for three weeks, after which the surgeon will ask you to change to a sports bra, which will remain for another three months. This prevents the incisions from getting stretched, keeps swelling at a minimum and aids the healing process of the tissue. According to plastic surgeons, the discomfort is minimal as compared to their other surgeries.
The hard facts
A breast lift single-handedly cannot bring about a change to the size of your breasts. It only alters their shape. You will need either an augmentation or a breast reduction surgery to achieve that.
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