Treatments For Knee Pain & Knee Injuries


First Aid for Knee Injuries

You ought to apply first aid for the very first 48 to 72 hours if you are experiencing knee pain. This will prevent the worsening of the injury and help to alleviate some of the pain.

– Cease performing your sporting activity or task quickly. Do not attempt to work through or ignore the pain. Rather, relax your knee joint first.

– Apply an ice bag to lessen discomfort, swelling, and any type of interior bleeding. The application can be provided for 15 minutes every few hours.

– Bandage the knee to minimize mobility and to supply support for it

– Elevate the damaged leg

– Avoid rubbing the knee

– Avoid applying warmth to the knee

You should also seek the professional opinion of a medical professional or physiotherapist regardless of whether the pain continues or subsides.

Specialist Treatments for Knee Pain

Depending on the specific injury, various types of specialist therapies might be suggested for your knee pain. This typically includes:

1. Physiotherapy– pain relief techniques, taping, workouts, and rehab methods.

2. Aspiration– drawing of liquid from the knee with a fine needle in order to reduce the volume of swelling.

3. Arthroscopic surgical procedure– done by inserting slender instruments via tiny incisions. Frequently utilized to treat cartilage.

4. Open surgery– performed when injuries are serious or if the entire joint needs repair.

How Physiotherapy Deals With Knee Pain.

Various physiotherapy methods are utilized to treat knee pain depending on the kind of injury suffered.

Sprained Ligaments

For sprained ligaments and tendon tears, physiotherapy can be done when the knee’s swelling and pain has diminished. A collection of exercises will aid you to develop your strength little by little without danger of re-tearing the ligament.

Physiotherapy can assist recovery for ACL injuries. For Acute ACL injuries, pain management and gait correction can be performed. As for pre and post-surgery, the following steps will be followed:

1. Pain and swelling management.

2. Walking aids.

3. Knee movement and muscles control with electrical stimulation sets.

4. The eventual return to day-to-day and sporting activities via muscle strengthening regimens.

Cartilage Tears

For cartilage tears, when surgery has been carried out to restore the damaged cartilage material, physiotherapy can be performed to boost restorative healing.

If the injury is grade 1– 2, physiotherapy would include treatments that:

– Release limited and worn-out muscles.

– Correction of stride or posture.

– Activation and strengthening of lower limb muscles.

The anticipated time period for pain relief is approximately 6 weeks.

If the injury is grade 3– 4, physiotherapy is focused on pain relief and management:

– Corrective bracing.

– Kinesiology taping.

– Footwear modification.

Seeking Physiotherapy

Now that we have covered the types of treatments available for knee pain and physiotherapy for your knee, we encourage you to get in touch with a Singapore physio clinic.

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